聖誕、跨年倒數準備去哪慶祝!?  跑趴場合不免認識新朋友,若遇到外國人大家都是怎麼反應的呢?  BC英協專業英語教師分享超實用5種跑趴用語,讓你不論是遇到新朋友或舊朋友,什麼話題都能侃侃而談,跟話題終結者說掰掰!

1. 碰到新朋友時,你可以說...

  • Hi, how’s it going? I’m….
  • Hi there. So how do you know (host of the party)?

2. 碰到很久沒見的朋友時,你可以說…

  • Hey how’s it going? You’re (name) right?
  • Hey, nice to see you again. So, what have you been up to?

3. 想開啟話題,你可以說…

  • So, do you live nearby?
  • Got any plans for Christmas/ New Year?
  • Where are you originally from?
  • So, what kind of work do you do?
  • What do you get up to when you’re not working?

4. 聊的差不多、想結束時,你可以說…

  • I’m just going to get a drink…
  • I’m just going to go to the bathroom…
  • I’m just going to look for (name)/ my friend ...
  • …It was nice meeting you.
  • …I’ll chat to you later.
  • …we should meet sometime, do you use (Line/ FaceBook/ Whatsapp)?

5. 多瞭解語言文化,跟台式英語說掰掰…


A: So, where are you from?

B: Haha, of course I’m from Taiwan!

假如有人問你where are you from? 別太驚訝,對方只是想表達禮貌或假設你不是本地人,若你笑著用of course 回應會有一點冒犯到對方喔!


WOW! You speak Chinese, so amazing!!
