Q1: What is Unique Candidate Identifier (UCI)?
A unique candidate identifier (UCI) is a reference that's unique to a candidate and lasts for the duration of their study career. It's used to aggregate unit results for modular exams. Without it, candidates may not be given their full results. It can be found in the Statement of Entry and the Provisional Statement of Results. For the first time test taker, the UCI will be created by the centre and please input “NA” in the registration form. While for the other candidates, please keep using the previous UCI in all the exam session.
Q2: What is cash-in?
The cash-in process is used to aggregate the candidate’s unit scores to obtain the overall grade for the qualification. No grade can be issued unless the appropriate cash-in code is entered. For the general cash-in rule, the exam board will maximize the qualification grades automatically. For more details about Math cash-in rule, please refer to the official information.
Q3: How to deal with the time clash between different exams?
With the same exam series, there may be different scenarios of exam timetable clash:
- For timetable clash between multiple subjects of Pearson Edexcel exams registered at our centre, we will make re-arrangement accordingly. Candidates should refer to the Confirmation Letter for the final timetable. If there is any timetable clash between two exams, one of them will be rescheduled for a different time on the same date. Candidates should be under full centre supervision during the break between two exams. During the break, candidates will not be permitted to use mobile phones nor any other electronic devices or communicate with the other candidates.
- We are unable to make any rearrangement for timetable clash between Pearson Edexcel exams registered at our centre and other exams (e.g. Cambridge Assessment). Candidates should avoid any timetable clash before registering for exams.
Q4: Could I register at different centres at the same time?
Within the same exam series, candidates can register for the exams of different subjects at different centres, but not the same subject at different centres. Please also note that if you register for exams at different centres within the same exam series, it may lead to problems like failure to rearrange timetable clash. Therefore, registering for all exams at one test centre is highly recommended.
Q5: Are my results of each unit and qualification only valid for a set number of years?
All the results and qualification remain valid indefinitely.
Q6: Will the statement of results and certificate show all my passed results?
Only the score of each unit registered in current session, the grades of AS/A-Level and the score of each unit cashed in to AS/A-Level will be displayed on the Candidate Provisional Statement of Results. If you are absent, the “X” is displayed only which indicates no result. As to the certification, it only displays your final grade of certain subject awarded in the current session
Q7: If I have the A-level result of Math from other exam boards, can I directly register the Further Math exam of Pearson Edexcel?
You can submit the registration of the Further Math exam, and concurrently submit a credit transfer application to the centre. The credit transfer standard is decided by the exam board and the whole transfer procedure may take about 1-2 months. It is highly recommended that if you need to transfer credits, please contact us at least 2 months prior to the registration final deadline. Our centre will confirm your case with the exam board and you still have time to submit additional registration if more units are required.
Q8: Notice to Under-18 Candidates
While registering under 18 candidates at our centre, the parents and/or guardians should:
- Read thoroughly the Minor Safety Regulations on our exams registration system
- Download and complete the Minor Candidate Consent Form
- Indicate how the candidate will leave the venue after the exams, and upload relevant documents as required
- On test day, parents, guardians or any other authorised people must present the original copy of ID to be checked by invigilator with the form