Registration Procedures
Online Registration Instructions
1. Visit Our Registration Website: Please visit the registration website and choose ‘Taiwan’ from drop down box and click ‘Continue’.
2. Choose Exam Category: Please choose the relevant information from the drop-down lists:
• Awarding Body – Oxford AQA
• Exam session
• Qualification level – Desired qualification such as A Level, GCSE, etc.
• Location: Location for the exam
• Subjects: the codes are those of Oxford AQA subjects, e.g., PH01 Physics. Candidates can choose multiple subjects. Candidates can type codes if known. You will also need to select an overall subject award code if certification is required (e.g., 9631 Physics AS subject award; 9632 Physics A-level subject award).
3. Add Subjects to Basket: Click ‘Search’ the system offers them the chosen subjects, add exams to basket, and then click ‘Proceed to Basket’.
4. Register your membership: Please sign in or create a new account by clicking ‘Sign up’.
5. Confirm Exam Details: Please confirm your registration details. If you have one Unique Candidate Identifier (UCI) number, please fill in your UCI number. If you need to receive an overall qualification grade, you must also select the Subject Award codes (cash-in codes). The Subject Award codes can be found in the Entry Codes book in the Downloads area.
6. Terms and Conditions: Please read the Terms and Conditions, and click confirm to proceed.
7. Making Payment: British Council Taiwan offers 2 methods of offline payments:
- MPayNow: This method supports Visa, Mastercard, and JCB payment. After your application is complete, please send an email to with the email title: OxfordAQA Registration Complete – Name – Transaction Reference Number, and we will send you a payment link to proceed with your payment.
- Bank Transfer: Please send us your bank transfer receipt via our email:
- If you don’t have a Taiwan bank account, please contact the Examination Centre to confirm the payment method before remitting any amount.
8. Confirmation: Once your registration is complete, we will send you a confirmation email containing the test details. If you have not received the confirmation email three days before the proposed test date, please contact us.