Q1: What is “Carry Forward” for Cambridge Assessment International Education exam results?
Only results of Cambridge International AS Level exams can be carried forward. Candidates who have obtained an AS Level exam result may choose to carry it forward while registering for A2/A Level exams so as to get a full A-Level exam result.
Candidates can only choose to carry forward the AS Level exam results obtained in the previous two exam series*, if any. For example, while registering the A2/A Level exams in May/June 2020 exam series, candidates can only carry forward the AS Level exam results obtained in May/June 2019 exam series or Oct/Nov 2019 exam series. Candidates will need to provide the accurate centre and candidate number for the exam results they wish to carry forward.
* According to the regulation of Cambridge International, AS Level marks can be carried forward to a full A-Level twice within a 13-month period.
Q2: How to deal with the time clash between different exams?
With the same exam series, there may be different scenarios of exam timetable clash:
- For timetable clash between multiple subjects of Cambridge Assessment International Education exams registered at our centre, we will make re-arrangement accordingly. Candidates should refer to the Confirmation Letter for the final timetable. If there is any timetable clash between two exams, one of them will be rescheduled for a different time on the same date. Candidates should be under full centre supervision during the break between two exams. During the break, candidates will not be permitted to use mobile phones nor any other electronic devices or communicate with the other candidates.
- We are unable to make any rearrangement for timetable clash between Cambridge Assessment International Education exams registered at our centre and other exams (e.g. Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing). Candidates should avoid any timetable clash before registering for exams.
Q3: Could I register at different centres at the same time?
Within the same exam series, candidates can register for the exams of different subjects at different centres, but not the same subject at different centres. Please also note that if you register for exams at different centres within the same exam series, it may lead to problems like failure to rearrange timetable clash. Therefore, registering for all exams at one test centre is highly recommended.
Q4: How soon can I receive the outcome of my enquiry about result?
Enquiries about Results will be addressed in the order they are received by Cambridge Assessment International Education, who will communicate the outcome of an enquiry within 30 days of receiving it.
Q5: Notice to Under-18 Candidates
While registering under 18 candidates at our centre, the parents and/or guardians should:
- Read thoroughly the Minor Safety Regulations on our exams registration system
- Download and complete the Minor Candidate Consent Form
- Indicate how the candidate will leave the venue after the exams, and upload relevant documents as required
- On test day, parents, guardians or any other authorised people must present the original copy of ID to be checked by invigilator with the form