By Catherine

2025 年 2 月 16 日 PM11:30

Asian man smiles before English class at the British Council

What are you going to do when you grow up? (你長大後打算做什麼?)這是小時候大人經常問我們的問題。但卻是很難回答的問題。您可能仍然不知道如何回答!在此英語詞彙部落格中,我們將探討在英語中「be going to」這個動詞時態的使用時機和方式。 


在英語文法中,我們可以用「be going to」來表達將來的意思。雖然英語中有多種表達未來意圖的方式,但我們主要使用它來達成兩個主要功能。 


When I'm older, I'm going to be an astronaut! (我長大後要成為一名太空人!) 

In a year’s time, I'm going to move to Madrid and study fashion design. (一年後,我要去馬德里念服裝設計。) 

Next weekend I'm going to sleep until late! (下個週末我要睡到飽才起床!) 

我們還可以使用「be going to」來根據眼前的情況做預測。 

If she's not careful she's going to knock over that glass of water (她這麼不小心,那杯水可能會打翻) 

It's very cold outside - I think it's going to snow (外面好冷,我想等下會下雪) 

Clare's birthday party is going to be great - she was showing me the restaurant online. (Clare 的生日派對一定會很精彩,她剛剛在網路上給我看餐廳照片。) 

使用「going to」的規則 


subject +(be) going to 
I'm going to (我將要) 
go to the beach this weekend (在這個週末去海灘) 
She's going to (她今晚的) 
have spaghetti for dinner tonight (晚餐是義大利麵) 
They're going to (他們明年) 
release a new album next year (將會發行新專輯) 
I'm not going to (我不想再) 
study medicine anymore - it's too hard! (念醫科了,實在太難了!) 
He's not going to (他不會) 
listen to what you say (聽您講的) 
We're not going to (我們不會去) 
go to the wedding because we have to work (參加婚禮,因為我們要工作) 
Am I going to (我會如期) 
finish the project on time? (完成這個專案嗎?) 
Are you going to (您週日會來) 
come to the party on Sunday? (參加派對嗎?) 
Is it going to (明天會) 
rain tomorrow? (下雨嗎?) 
'Be going to' 主要用於日常口語表達中,因此在使用這個文法結構時,我們通常會採用英文縮寫形式,像是  I'm, he's, it's, we're, they're. 


我的學生經常會交給我一些英文作文,其中包含像這樣的句子:"This weekend I'm gonna go to the beach'' (這個週末我要去海灘)。他們可能曾在歌詞或他們最喜歡的電影的字幕中看到過這樣的句子。 
Tonight I'm going to have dinner with Tom. (今晚我要和 Tom 一起吃晚飯。) 
Tonight I'm having dinner with Tom. (今晚我要和 Tom 一起吃晚飯。) 
She's going to the cinema on Friday. (她週五要去看電影。) 
She's going to go to the cinema on Friday. (她週五要去看電影。) 
上面例子中的兩個句子都是正確的。但現在進行式的使用更為簡便,我們可能會避免說「going to go」,因為這聽起來有些重複。 


當我們進行預測時,我們可以使用 'will' or 'be going to '.有什麼區別?通常,當我們的預測有某些依據時,我們會用「going to」,但這兩種未來時態的表達方式都可以使用。 
It's very cloudy - I think it's going to rain. (天空烏雲密布,我想馬上就要下雨了。) 
It's very cloudy - I think it'll rain. (天空烏雲密布,我想會下雨。) 
當我們一般性地談論未來事物時,通常會使用 will。特別是在自發性表達時也常用 will,也就是當我們尚未制定具體計劃的情況下。 
What are you doing tonight? (您今天晚上要做什麼?) 
I think I will meet Dave after work. (我下班後應該會和 Dave 見面。)(這裡,說話者剛剛想到了這個計劃) 
What are you doing tonight? (您今天晚上要做什麼?) 
I'm going to meet Dave after work. (我下班後要和 Dave 見面。)(在這裡,說話者者已經計劃這樣做了)。 
going to 和 will  的一般使用規則:如果您在發言的同時做出決定,請使用 will: 
電話響了 - 我來接!✓ 
電話響了 - 我要去接!✗ 

歌曲中「going to」的著名例子 



1. I've got the tickets so this weekend I will see the big match! 
2. She's gonna have a surprise when she gets home tonight! 
3. I don't really have plans tonight, maybe I'm going to go to the cinema. 
4. When Adriana finishes her studies, she going to live in London. 
5. "This jumper is gorgeous! I'm going to buy it!" 
1. I've got the tickets so this weekend I'm going to see the big match! 
2. She's going to have a surprise when she gets home tonight! 
3. I don't really have plans tonight, maybe I'll go to the cinema. 
4. When Adriana finishes her studies, she's going to live in London. 

5. "This jumper is gorgeous! I'll buy it!"